You have the ability to search for, cancel and/or re-issue Discount Vouchers.

Searching For Discount Vouchers

  1. On the top menu bar of Retailer, click on Setup -> Voucher -> Discount Voucher.
  2. On the left, click on Voucher Search.
  3. Within the Search Voucher section, enter a value for a single or any combination of the following:
    • Customer No
      Type in the Customer Number to search for. Alternatively, press the [Enter] key or the icon next to the box to search for a customer via the Find Customer Screen.
    • Date Issued
      Type in a date to search for. Alternatively, click on the drop-down arrow and select a particular date.
    • Barcode / Sale Stamp
      Scan or type in the barcode of the sale to search for.
  4. Click Search.
  5. The grid below will be populated with details of the discount vouchers that match the specified criteria.

Re-printing, Cancelling & Re-issuing Discount Vouchers

Once you have a list of results from a search, click on the particular discount voucher.
You can then perform one of the following:
    • Cancel voucher
      Cancels the voucher so that it cannot be used anymore.
    • Cancel and Issue Voucher
      Cancels the voucher and re-issues a new one with a different barcode.
    • Print
      Re-prints the selected discount voucher.
You will only be able to reprint vouchers if Allow reprinting of vouchers is ticked in Setup->Vouchers->Discount Vouchers->Settings