Retailer has the tools to enable retailers to effectively manage school booklist ordering. This article outlines how you can best perform and manage these functions. This article also assumes a good working knowledge of stock control through Retailer.

Setting Up School List Pricing

There are 10 steps involved in the process of managing school booklist ordering:

  1. Add booklist suppliers
  2. Remove unnecessary pending orders
  3. Create/activate catalogues for each school
  4. Create template invoices for each class
  5. Create individual customer invoices
  6. Create orders through customer invoices
  7. Send orders to suppliers
  8. Arrive sent orders
  9. Finalise customer invoices
  10. Stop catalogues

1. Add Booklist Suppliers

All suppliers being used must be in your supplier file. Add them through Stock -> Stock Maintenance -> Suppliers & Departments

Click HERE for more information on adding a supplier.

2. Remove Unnecessary Pending Orders

Before setting up individual customer invoices, you should remove unwanted pending orders in Stock Maintenance -> Orders -> Orders Maintenance. Otherwise, any new orders will be added to those existing ones.

Click HERE to learn more about managing orders.

3. Create/Activate Catalogues For Each School

A catalogue must be set up through Setup -> Catalogues with the pricing you are using for your school booklists. If you have different pricing for different schools, you will need to create a catalogue for each school.

Click HERE to learn more about creating catalogues.

4. Create Template Invoices for Each Class

Through Stock Maintenance -> Quote and Invoice Management, you can create an invoice template for each class. 

  1. Create an invoice for each class, which you would add as a new customer.
  2. When adding stock, ensure that Normal/Catalogue prices are used.
  3. Print/Preview the invoices and make sure that the invoices are marked as Posted.

Click HERE to learn more about using Quote and Invoice Management.

5. Create Individual Customer Invoices

Once you have an invoice template, you can then copy the invoice and edit the copy with different quantities for a particular customer/student. 

Click HERE to learn more about copying a customer invoice.

6. Create Orders through Customer Invoices

While the invoice is still marked as Pending, click on Create Order and select the invoices and quantities to order. This will create a Pending Order in Orders Maintenance.

Click HERE to learn about creating orders through Quote and Invoice Management.

7. Send Orders to Suppliers

The Pending Orders then needs to be marked as Sent by printing the orders in Stock Maintenance -> Orders -> Orders Maintenance.

Click HERE to learn more about sending an order to a supplier.

8. Arrive Sent Orders

When you receive the orders from the suppliers, they need to be arrived through Retailer to keep your stock-on-hand figures accurate.

Click HERE to learn more about arriving sent orders.

9. Finalise Customer Invoices

Once the stock has been provided to the student/customer, the customer invoices can then be marked as Posted. This will charge the customer's account and adjust your stock-on-hand figures for the stock items.

Click HERE to learn more about finalising customer invoices.

10. Stop Catalogues

Once your customer invoices are done, you can stop the school catalogues manually so that stock at your POS will scan at its normal price. In Setup -> Catalogues, double-click on the Manual Stop tick-box and click Save.