Retailer 3.0.8.x Update notes

Retailer 3.0.8.x Update notes

New Features

  1. Manufactured goods auto build facility & Improvements - “Software Idea”: 15851654
  2. TitlePage Integration 
    We have rewritten our link to Title Page a facility used by business that sell books.  You can now automatically add an item to stock by simply scanning the books ISBN/Barcode clicking the title page button.  You can also backfill any missing details on books from title page by clicking a button in the stock screen.  The imported from title page are: 
    • Book image if available 
    • Extra Description.
    • Weight  
    • Sell Price 
    • Category (Matched by new Thema field linked to  categories)
    • Department
    • Author 
    • Description
  3. Monthly Sales comparison
    We have re-written this report to use the power of the new engine in Retailer 3 to increase the speed in which reports are produced.  This is our first report to utilise this power and we will speed up other reports over the next few releases.  
  4. Order by sales 
    This excellent feature enhancement provides you with clarity and certainty around stock performance when ordering by sales.  At a glance now you can see a breakdown of the sales of an item by month.  This will allow you to see any trends in performance and order accordingly. We have also improved the growth and decline factor when ordering for seasonal product.  This facility is also utilising the same faster data collection routine available to us in Retailer 3.  
  5. Ecommerce Links
    These have been re-written to add more functionality and to allow data updates to occur at faster intervals.  You also have the ability to send data to more than one ecommerce site.  You can now also export the Product Weight and Product and Customer Tags
      • Sales = All cash sale customers
      • Invoices = Any account invoices (I) Stamps
      • Laybys (when created) = Discount Voucher will be created when layby is commenced (L) Stamp
      • Laybys (when finalised) = Discount Voucher will be created when layby is fully paid (A) Stamp

Improved / Updated Features

  1. Barcode / Label Manager – Ability to print labels in Added / Scanned Order - “Software Idea”: 1558
  2. Bulk Price Changes – Add Web Price to grid - “Software Idea”: 1550
  3. Customer – Ability does not have transaction menu open automatically in customer screen
  4. Customer – Tags works similar to stock tags
  5. Find Customer screen – Added Layby Balance as a Column - “Software Idea”:1650
  6. Marketing – Ability to market to customers based on tags applied to their account.
  7. POS – Added new “Total Discount” field to point of sale screen
  8. POS – Added new company option to be displayed at pos - “Software Idea”:1555
  9. Repairs – Added barcode details to internal and repair job cards - “Software Idea”:1544
  10. Report – General debtors now available across multiple stores
  11. Stock – Advance search SSC using partial code
  12. Stock – UOM for ecommerce agility to record a items weight for shipping calculations on websites - “Software Idea”:
  13. Stock – Ability to import stock weight data from shopify website
  14. Stock – Ability to import Tag data from shopify website
  15. Visibility\Security – Added new Customer Invoice Maintenance – “Delete Invoice” - “Software Idea”: 1571


  1. Audit Log – Incorrectly reporting newly added customers 
  2. Catalogues – When suspending multi buy items free item redemption wasn’t being retained 
  3. Catalogue – GUI issue with items duplicating in grid after saving 
  4. Customers – Bookups not populating extended fields using level B3 
  5. Customers – Processing payments from customer screen using old receipt method 
  6. Discount Vouchers – Fixed error when altering voucher categories 
  7. Discount Vouchers – Not releasing if security password not validated 
  8. Emailing to BBC & imap sent directories 
  9. End of shift – Stamping incorrect date at midnight 
  10. End of shift – GUI fixes with manual float setting 
  11. Individual item gst not displayed on A4 & A5 receipts
  12. Invoice Arrivals – Stock table not being updated where SSC was NULL or Blank 
  13. Label Setup Utility – Cannot add items using PLU 
  14. Layby – Opening Layby Management Screen from POS shows incorrect details in some cases 
  15. Layby payment screen has been updated 
  16. Multi-Store: Order allocation not prompting for serial number transfer 
  17. Orders Maintenance – Use last arrival sell price, this has now been changed to the current retail price -  “Software Idea”:1582
  18. Orders Maintenance – Ability to enter a cost price to be greater than 2 decimals 
  19. Order By Sales – Add PLU as grid option 
  20. POS – Duplicating Payment on receipt if more than 1 payment type is used 
  21. POS – Searching by order number 
  22. POS – Serial number not clearing temp tables on exit 
  23. POS Receipts- Emailed invoices sending due date 30/12/1899 
  24. POS Receipts – Updated Tax/free & Invoice sale receipts to new templates 
  25. POS Receipts- A4 & A5 reinstated item gst column 
  26. POS Receipts – Layby History not displaying for some users 
  27. POS – Previous sales screen issue with pay invoice option 
  28. POS – Serial numbers not clearing on exit for some users 
  29. POS – Check to prevent barcodes being sold as decimal quantities  - “Software Idea”
  30. Quote & Invoice management – Order number not always updating if changed post transaction 
  31. Quote & Invoice management – Extended gst credit issue with suspended transactions 
  32. Quote & Invoice management – Copied costs not calculating gp correctly 
  33. Quote & Invoice management – Reversing invoice with serial numbers 
  34. Quote & Invoice management -Suspended in POS clears serial arrival date 
  35. Repairs – Add postcode to edit customer details form (5736) - “Software Idea”604
  36. Repairs – Add Stock Barcode to Job Cards (5670)- “Software Idea”1544
  37. Sales Transaction Log Report – Items missing when bought and sold on the same day 
  38. Stock - Change/Merge Barcode issue 
  39. Stock Item Report – Crashes Retailer in certain cases 
  40. Stock Screen – GUI Extra details Valuation checkbox issues 
  41. Stock Manager – PLU cannot be edited 
  42. Stocktake Screen – Issue when opening existing stocktake 
  43. Variants – Updating sell & cost price >$1000 

Variants – Prevention of saving blank Variants on new items or linking existing

  1. Weblink – Send stock called twice
  2. Weblink – Not creating out folder
  3. Orders Maintenance – Screen size issues 1024*768

  1. Report – Customer listing ‘CUS_EXTERNAL_ID’ not found
  2. Weblink – Catalogue price % sending incorrectly
  3. Weblink – Thread issue not allowing send Images in some cases

Total Software Ideas = 9

  1. Bulk Price Change – Error when changing Retail price to 0.00
  2. Bulk Price Change - Unable to save changes (Multi-Store)
  3. Catalogues – Add QOH to form SID: 1037
  4. Customer Billing – Report failure if no data to display SID: 1695
  5. Customer – Subagent docket incorrectly displaying totals if freight used
  6. Customer screen – GUI Screen size issues 1024*768
  7. Customers - Removal "Edit Transaction date"
  8. Discount Voucher Report – Errors when running report
  9. Discount Vouchers: Ability to adjust expiry datesSID: 1697
  10. Invoice Arrivals – Arrive order with current retail prices
  11. Invoice Arrival Report – Variant arrival applying gst incorrectly
  12. Invoice Arrivals – Find screen matched by PLU
  13. Orders Maintenance – Copy order filling arrival qty incorrectly
  14. Orders Maintenance – Email PDF Formatting
  15. Orders Maintenance – Variant applying gst incorrectly
  16. Orders – Order by Sales duplicating multi-store results
  17. Orders – Order by Sales Monthly sales start date range
  18. POS – Layby Payment for not displaying This payment value
  19. POS – Eftpos quick payment button tendering as Cash
  20. POS Receipts – Gift Voucher Management – Voucher reprint not calling new code
  21. POS – Repair payments: Paying off multiple repairs doesn’t allocate the second payments balance to the invoice
  22. POS – Pay Specific invoice pays off deleted invoices
  23. POS Receipts – A4 Template “Total Discount” Incorrectly calculating
  24. POS Receipts – Repair invoice & POS Invoice not displaying GST value
  25. Quote & Invoice management – Customer Delivery address not updating when filtering enabled
  26. Quote & Invoice management – Copy not applying cost to quote SID: 1689
  27. Quote & Invoice management – Removing qty supplied for item with serial numbers not releasing the seral number
  28. Quote & Invoice management – Update cost prices for “Quote Status” SID: 1686
  29. Quote & Invoice management – Copying invoice populating old serial number
  30. Quote & Invoice management – Pickslip not displaying invoice number after posting)
  31. Repairs – General Repairs report header displaying incorrect store
  32. Repairs – Added Company name to Find repairs screen & main repair formSID: 1678
  33. Repairs – Add Order Number to search SID
  34. Report – Sales Transaction Log (Layby cancellation payment method) SID:1675
  35. Stock Screen – Added the ability to change barcode by right clicking SID: 1680
  36. Stock – Advance search not populating Webstore flag after search
  37. Stock – New ability to upload PNG images with transparent background
  38. Stock – Add write off button to stock screen SID: 1584
  39. Stocktake – Creating with duplicate name causing stocktake to stop responding
  40. Stocktake – Adding items stamping date as 1899
  41. Weblink – Prevention of importing orders duplicates
  42. Weblink Group Management – Add ability to export list to stock manager
  43. Weblink – Add newly added items included during process interval delta
  44. Weblink – Updating of images during Sendimages in process interval delta
  45. Weblink – Customer flag to exclude sending for Groups3
  46. Weblink – Allowed provision for “woocommerce/ Guest accounts”
  47. Retailer – Force reopen while minimized in windows

  1. POS – Customer payment “Pay Until a date” not calculating payment value
  2. Express Arrivals – Date not updating arrival grid
  3. Subagent – Grid not updating with date change
  4. Receipts – Layby receipt not displaying prepayment if prepayment performed on another day 
  5. Epay – frmFPos, FormKeyDown -> Cannot assign a nil to a TFont
  6. Report – pdf option not working – Quick reports component issue
  7. Multistore – BPL loading issue

  1. Customer – Unable to apply manual Credit allocation
  2. PLB CDC – New 8-digit Bin token & increase “Ready for December release”
  3. POS Receipts – Total Discount duplicating
  4. POS – DPS(ActiveX) Eftpos slow to poll terminal
  5. Weblink – Add trigger to webstore enabled for existing items in process interval delta
  6. Weblink – Failing to create for images during periodic changes
  7. Weblink Group Management – Error in sql with multiple rules
  8. Weblink Group Management – Total items not updating

  1. Layby – Management Screen not opening on final payment
  2. POS – Scanning grid slow to receive data
  3. Weblink – Add new webstore items not updating for multistore sites

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