The Customer Go Live process sets customer and subagent balances, as well as customer or subagent calculated until dates. You can also use this to reset customer and subagent balances to zero, very useful for selling or restarting the business.

Before You Begin

Ensure the following requirements are met:

  • All customers are entered in the system.
  • Print out Customer balances, calculated to Sunday.  This is to ensure customers are billed for a whole week which makes this easier for your customers to interpret when they receive their account statement.
  • A backup has been done beforehand.
  • The Customer screen of Retailer is closed on all computers.
It is vital to create a backup of your data before proceeding.

The Go Live Process

  1. Go to your MAIN computer.
  2. Exit Retailer.
  3. Click on Start -> Run or press [Ctrl]+[R] on your keyboard.
  4. Type in C:\Tower\Retailer\Program\GoLivePJV3.exe.
  5. Press [Enter]. The Go Live screen will appear. 
  6. Remove Test Transactions to remove transactions history for ALL customers. 
    NOTE: If you want to keep transaction history, do not select this option.
  7. Select Set Calculated Until Dates.
  8. Select Set Customer Balance .
  9. Click on Next. The Remove Test Transactions screen is displayed.  If you did not select Remove Test Transactions, skip to step 12
  10. Select desired transactions to remove. 
    TIP: Select all transaction types to completely clear customer history.
  11. Click on Next. The Select Calculated Until Dates screen is displayed. 
  12. Enter the Customers Calculated Until date.
  13. Set End of Week Day to Sunday.
  14. Enter the Subagent Calculated Until date.
  15. Click on Next.
  16. The order is sorted by customer number.
    TIP: We recommend maximising the screen to better view your customer list.
  17. Enter customer balances.
    TIP: Press [Tab] to go down the next customer. Or [Shift]+[Tab] to go back up to the previous customer.
  18. Click on Next when finished entering customer balances.
  19. Click on Finish to complete the process.
  20. Click on Close.  You have now completed the Go Live process.