Reserving Stock Explained
Reserving Stock in only available in Retailer versions 3.3 or later.
What is Reserving Stock?
In Retailer, when processing stock from a Quote to a Proforma, you have the ability to Reserve any in-stock products against the Proforma invoice. This removes the reserved quantity on hand from your Current quantity on hand and separates it into a reserved stock list. This means that this stock is isolated against this proforma and will not be considered as being in stock. Here are some key points with reserving stock:
- To reserve stock against a Proforma the item MUST be in stock. ie the Quantity On Hand of the item in store must be greater than zero.
- Reserved Stock items are not included in your Quantity on hand figures when
- Using the Find a Stock item screen
- Exporting data to eCommerce sites
- Any Reports referencing Quantity on hand will be excluding Reserved Stock unless it has been specified on the report.
- Ordering Stock from Orders Maintenance or Order By Sale as Re-order vales will be calculated excluding reserved stock.
- You can view reserved stock quantities Totals and view what proformas they are on from both the Stock Screen and the Alt+T stock enquiry screen.
- When performing a Stocktake reserved items should NOT be counted as part of your stocktake.
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