To refund an E-pay sale, the process is the same as refunding any normal sale in Retailer. It will contact epay and request a refund on the voucher(s) sold in the sale.

  1. In the Point of Sale screen, click on the Previous Sales button or press [F3] on the keyboard.
  2. Select the desired sale and click on the Refund button.
  3. This will load the sale into Point of Sale marked as a refund.
  4. To refund the entire sale, press End Sale. Otherwise, delete the items not being refunded from the sale before pressing End Sale.
    You will be prompted to enter a reason for the refund. Select it from the drop-down box or click on Others and type one in.
  5. Select the payment type to refund to, and click OK to tender it.
    Click HERE for more information about reasons for refunds.
  6. The receipt will then show the refund.

We recommend performing two separate transactions if you need to refund and sell a new voucher.