The Ranked Sales By Customer report can provide a list of customers who have made purchases during the selected date range. These purchases can be separated by the transaction type, supplier or department. It also has the option to display the items from each purchase.

The Ranked Sales By Custmer report does not list the customer's phone number or email address.
Generating the Report
- To run this report you click on Reports -> Sales Report -> Ranked Sales By Customer
- Report Date Range
- Select the Start Date – This will be the Start Date of the report.
- Select the End Date – This will be the End Date of the report.
- Selected Customers - This allows you to choose from All Customers or Customer Range From (choose the start of the customer range by customer number) To (choose the end of the customer range by customer number)
- Customer Categories and Customer Interests - this option allows you to choose the customer categories and/or the customer interests to show on the report. Click here to look at how to setup customer categories or customer interests
- Transaction Types - Allows you to choose the types of transactions to include in the report
- Stock to Include Options - Allows you to include all stock, only include stock that has a positive quantity on hand or only include stock where the quantity on hand is less than or equal to zero
- Suppliers - Allows you to choose either all suppliers or the selected supplier/suppliers.
- Departments - This allows you to either choose all departments, or selected a department or several departments. You can also click on the icon to open each department and select individual categories.
- Summary Details - Allows you to choose a summarised version of the transactions (shows transaction ID, Staff, Time, Date and Amount) or a detailed version which shows all the summarised information and the individual stock item details (serial numbers is optional)
- Discounted Sales - allows you to choose between Show All Sales, Discounted Sales Only or Non Discounted Sales Only
- Other Options
- Exclude Outstanding Layby - will exclude and layby transactions that haven’t been completely paid off.
- Show Serial Numbers - will show the serial number with the stock item sold. Note that “Show Details Of Sales” must be on.
- Rank Order - There are several ways you can order the report (from highest to the lowest)
- Rank on Quantity Sold - Ranks the report from the highest quantity of stock sold for each customer to the lowest
- Rank on Total Sales Amount - Ranks the report from the highest combined sales totals for each customer to the lowest
- Rank on Number of Sales - Ranks the report from the highest number of sales for each customer to the lowest
- Rank on Gross Profit - Ranks the report from the highest gross profit to the lowest
- Rank on Discount - Ranks the report from the highest combined discount of each customer to the lowest
Reading the Report
In this summarised version of the report it shows the totals for each customer. The detailed version will show individual stock item information.
- Sales Quantity - the number of transactions for that customer
- Sales Amount Inc - the total amount the customer spent
- Stock Cost Inc - the total cost of the items purchased
- Discount Amt Inc - the discount amount given to the customer, either by voucher, catalogue or discount profile
- Gross Profit Amt - the amount of Gross Profit made (Sales Amount Inc – Stock Cost Inc – Discount Amt Inc)
- Gross Profit % - the percentage of Gross Profit made (Gross Profit ÷ Sales Amount Inc × 100)
- Date Last Sold - shows the Date Last Sold for the individual stock item