Quote and Invoice Management Pricing

Quote and Invoice Management Pricing

You can set pricing by line in Quote and Invoice management.  You can either change pricing as you are adding line by line, or you can change it once it has added it into the quote.  An important change to note is that all Quote pricing is now fixed when it is added and will no longer update if prices are changed elsewhere.  So be warned if looking at older quotes it may be necessary to adjust pricing. 

Setting Prices and Discounting

In the new version of Quote and invoice Maintenance there are essentially 4 ways to set prices for product on a quote or invoice.  

  1. Discount Type - These are presents and overall discounts that can be set. For instance if a customer is a member of a discount profile group, the discount type will be automatically set to Profile.  This will give the customers the appropriate discount linked to their Discount profile of any items o this quote.  By default if they do not have a discount profile discount type will be set to Full Price.  At this stage however you can then select an appropriate discount style from the list, the options are: 
    1. Full - This is the current full retail price of the item without any discounts.
    2. Catalogue - This is the catalogue price of items.  It is only Stock Item Catalogue prices that are applicable in Quote and Invoice Management
    3. Profile - This sets the price to the customers discount profile price.
    4. Unit Discount & Unit Price - This will perform a unit discount using the so you can discount the individual unit price of the item being purchased.  This can be done by Dollar amount, percentage and set price.
    5. Trade Price - This will allow you to use the trade price for the item, should Trade Pricing be enabled.  
    6. Extended Discount - Performs discount on the extended line total. Can be done by Amount or Percentage and set price. 
    7. Set Price - The just sets the sell price of the item WITHOUT any discount shown to the customer.
  2. Calculator Discounts - If you prefer you can use the calculator buttons to calculate a discount.  This will show the standard POS discounts screen and allow you to discount by Amount, Percentage or set price based on the grid cell you clicked in.  For example if you clicked in Quote Extended, the discount calculation would take place based on this field.  You will notice once you use a discount calculator it will set the Discount Type to the appropriate value. 
    1. Additionally if you click the calculator button again you will have the options to Set a new discount, Discount on top of an already discounted item, or remove the discount. 

  3. Manual Typed Discounts - in each of the fields you can set a discount by simply typing a value.  For instance if you simply wants to set a unit discount of $0.50 you would simple type $0.50 into the unit discount filed.  This will also set the appropriate value in Discount Type
  4. Entire Quote Discount - If you wish to discount the entire quote, for example set the total of the of the quote to a specific dollar value or take 10% off the entire quote you can click on the calculator button in the total row.  This will prompt the POS discounts screen and give you the ability to discount by Percentage, Amount, or Set Price.  Once this is set you will notice that the discount type has been set to Extended Discount.

Removing A Discount

There are few ways to remove a discount on items in a quote.  They are
  1. In the grid next to the item you want to remove the discount off simply set the Discount Type to Full Price and click on Save.  This will then remove any discounts assigned to this line items and recalculated any total.
  2. Click on the calculator on any field where an item has ben discounted.  You will then be shown a menu options to Remove Discount.  
You also need to remove discount on a line by line basis. it is not possible to remove all discounting in a single process. 

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