Using Catalogues in Retailer

Tower Web Connect (TWC) has the ability to utilise Catalogues in Retailer to put items on sale on your Shopify Site.
Only discounts with the Stock Item discount type will transfer to Shopify. Department- or Category-wide discounts, or discount types like range discounts and mix & match do not transfer.
Click HERE for a guide to setting up catalogues.
  1. Set up your catalogue discounts in Retailer. Make sure the catalogue is active.
  2. In TWC, turn on the Use Catalogue Price under Inventory and Pricing in the Preferences tab
The catalogue prices will automatically be synced to your webstore as the 'discounted' price. The regular price will be the 'compare at' price.

Creating Discounts in Shopify 

Alternatively, you can use the ‘Discounts’ built into Shopify to do sales on your webstore, to make an item appear on sale:

  1. On Retailer, set the webstore price to be the new sale price
  2. On Shopify, from the Shopify Admin Panel go to “Products” and then “All products”
  3. Use the filters to search for the products you have added the sale prices to.

From here there are two options:

Option 1:

You can click on the individual product, scroll down and then add the Regular Retail Price into the “Compare at price field”

Here’s how it should look on the Edit product page:

Option 2:

After you have filtered the products:

  1. Use the checkboxes to select the products you wish to edit
  2. Once you have selected all the products, click the “Edit products” button to take you to the Bulk editor
  3. Enter in the Regular Retail Price into the “Compare at price field”.
  4. Once you have entered in all the of the compare at prices, click “Save” and wait for the dots on the side of the first column to turn to ticks and disappear before clicking off the page or going to the next.