Too many businesses treat customer service as secondary to the routine processes of the business. By investing in customer service and getting all your staff to think positively, you will improve your business. The following five suggestions give demonstrations of positive customer service from the point of view of the customer, including some specific examples you can try today:

A greeting doesn't have to be verbal. An acceptable greeting in today's workplace can be a head nod or a smile or just eye contact. It can also be a social approach or a merchandise approach. It just requires that the associate make a quick decision on how they will "plug in" to start the energy flowing. The social approach can be something as simple as, "What brings you in on such a gorgeous day?" The merchandise approach could be, "I see you have a roll of film that needs developing. Do you need that in one hour or would you like to save a little money and have it sent out?" Oh, I feel a little spark!
90% of unhappy customers leave a place of business because of inattentive, impolite employees. And almost all of them never tell anyone in management, they tell everyone else they know. The way to avoid that is to start the connection in a positive way. Make eye contact first before you start the conversation. Find out why I am there in the first place before you start to tell me how bad your day is. You see, the customer doesn't really care about YOU; they want to know how YOU are going to solve their problem. That's where the "plug" comes in!
Plug in to what I am saying and really listen to me. Be able to repeat back my needs, wants or even my problem so that I know you are really listening. Practice listening with both ears and both eyes. Good listening skills can outwardly show how much respect you have for the other person you are speaking to. I have many choices of where else I can go, so make me feel like you care and you want to help make the connection!
Share your knowledge of your product and services with me. Customers keep coming back based on the trust they have built with you. They know that they can expect prompt, efficient and knowledgeable service. When you have a new system or new products, it helps to inform the customer. When an employee shares valuable knowledge, an "I understand" light bulb goes on in the customer's eyes!
If a customer likes the connection they have with a business they will come back. But if that energy is powerful, the customer will become that business' cheerleader! It takes so little time to say, "Thank you for shopping with us today" but those words make a big positive connection in the customers' mind. Imagine, thousands of happy customers, all cheering for your business and advertising your service through word of mouth.