Paying & Finalising Repairs
Go into the Repairs Screen and locate the repair that you want to pay. There are two ways to finalize:
- Payments, will take you through the sales screen and accept payment from the customer.
- Invoice, will charge the repair to the customer's account and payment can be made to the account later.
- Click on the Payments button and the Repair Payment Screen will appear.
- Click on the repairs that you want to pay (You can also click on Select All or Unselect All ). Only the repairs highlighted in blue will be included.
- Enter the amount received in the This Payment box and click on Pay Now .
- The POS Screen appears and you can process the transaction as you would with a normal sale.
Once the payment(s) have been processed, the customer will receive a receipt for their payment(s). - If the repairs are fully paid off, you will receive a prompt to create i nvoices for the Repairs.
Select the invoices that you would like to create and click OK . Another prompt will appear, which asks if you would like to mark the repair as Collected. Click Yes or No as appropriate .
NOTE : A Repair is not finalized until it has been BOTH invoiced and marked as Collected.- Next, you will receive a prompt to print invoices.
Select the invoices to print and the format in which to print them. Then click on Preview or Print and then click Close when you are finished.
Click on the Invoice button and a box will appear to ask if you want to collect the item. Click Yes or No as appropriate.
NOTE : A Repair is not finalized until it has been BOTH invoiced and marked as Collected.- The Repair Invoice Print Selection box will appear next, where you can tick the invoice you wish to view/print/email.
- The options on the left allow you to tick all invoices in the list, untick all invoices in the list, or select particular invoices for viewing/printing/emailing.
- If you click Preview , it will display the invoice on the screen, and you can save a PDF of it, or print it off.
- If you click Print , it will print the invoice to your printer.
If you click Email , it will email the invoice.
The printer that it prints to, and the format of the invoice depends on how your receipts/invoices are setup. Click
HERE for more information on this.
- Click Close after invoicing it.
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