Orders at Store Report

Orders at Store Report

This report will list all items you have on orders and what order they are on for a specific date range.

Generating the Report

From the main screen of Retailer, click on Reports -> Stock Reports -> Orders at Store report.

Order status:
These let you select orders that have a specific status. More than one status can be checked by the report at a time.

Date Range:
The date range of of orders you wish to look at.

Supplier options:
Click All Suppliers for all or click Selected and choose one from the drop down list to filter the report by.

Select Departments/Category:
Allows you to select one or more Department or Category. Click Select All to include all Departments or Categories in the report. Click Selected, and choose the Departments and Categories to filter the report by.

Report options:
  1. Show summary report - Ticking this box will remove the order details (order number, status, etc.) for the items to produce a smaller report.
  2. Show Cost Prices - Adds a column for Cost prices in the report.
  3. Show Retail Prices - Adds a column for Retail prices in the report.
  4. Highlight Special Customer Orders - Ticking this box will highlight any items with Special Customer Orders linked in the report.
For more information on how to use Special Customer Orders, click HERE.
  1. Sort Order by - Allows you to sort the report by description, barcode or supplier stock code.

Reading the Report

The following information will be shown in the report, depending on options selected:
  1. Stock Description - Long name of the product
  2. Barcode - Barcode number for the product
  3. PLU - Lookup code for the product
  4. Supplier Stock Code - Supplier's code for the product
  5. Cost Price - Cost price of product, including GST
  6. Retail Price - Retail price of product

  1. Qty Pending - number of this item on pending orders
  2. Qty Sent - number of this item on orders already sent to suppliers
  3. Qty Received - number of this item arrived from supplier orders
  4. Qty Outstanding - 
This next section will list all orders containing this item, with each order on a separate line.
  1. Order Num - order number where the supplier order contains this item
  2. Status - status of this supplier order, whether pending, sent or arrived
  3. Date - date of the supplier order
  4. Qty - quantity ordered for the item on this supplier order
  5. Qty Received - quantity received for the item on this supplier order

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