Remember subagents are run in the opposite way to normal customers. You need to run the statements and then the billing. The easiest way to remember this is to do it in the order they appear in the customer menu.
Subagent Statements can also be printed or previewed as many times you like, unlike normal customer statements.
To run your Subagent Statements from the main screen of Retailer go to Customers -> Subagent Statements.
Subagent Statements Options
End of Week Date – This is the week ending date you are running the statements for. This generally shouldn’t be changed. Subagents are only run 1 week at a time and you should never backdate a subagent statement. Use view PDF to re-print a statement
Print Statements for all Subagents – Untick this box if you want to only print a statement for 1 subagent. For example to check a statement you have made changes to.
Show Coloured Bands on the Report – Highlights every second line of stock to make it easier to read.
*Blank lines* – These 3 blank lines allow you to enter any communication to your subagents and can be changed
Preview – Allows you to preview the statements before printing them, recommended to use this first to check your statements before printing and giving to subagents.
Print – Prints the statements directly to your default printer.
View PDF – Allows you to view previous statements you have previewed or printed. Be careful when viewing that you always view the latest copy of the week you are looking for. Every time you preview or print statements a PDF is created.
Options – Various options for changing the appearance of your subagent statements. Tick each option on or off as required
- Print non Billed Subagents – Prints statements for subagents who you aren’t charging currently, for example someone you have stopped but haven’t paid their account off yet.
The following 3 options will appear grey and un-selectable unless you change to the ‘Old Subagent Statement format’. To do this double click on Subagent Statements.
- Print Daily, Weekly and Other totals – Prints a subtotal area on the statement showing totals for Daily, Weekly and Other titles.
- Print Aging Information – Prints the aging summary of current, 7, 14, 21 days.
Note: this prints on the’ new subagent statement format’ by default and can’t be turned off. - Include Discount against Orders – Incorporates the subagent discount into the price per item rather than showing this a total less a discount at the end of the statement.
- Print in sequence order – Prints the statements in the Subagent Sequence order set in Retailer. Accessed from Setup > Newsagency > Subagent Sequence
- Itemised Transactions – Itemises the statement when it is printed to show each individual item.
- Show Subagent credit totals – Shows the total amount of credits across the aging balance on the statement.
- Print Banking Details – Prints your banking details you have setup in Setup > System > Accounting on the statements
- Show Pay Type – Shows the method of payment of any payments printed on the statement.
- Show Sale Notes - Shows any sale notes that have been added against transactions for the subagent.