This is for Newsagencies Only

From time to time, newspaper suppliers have promotions for items such as football cards or cookbooks, which often continue for a number of weeks, allowing customers to collect the series. The goal of this Advice Sheet is to set the items up in the system once, and have them available for use in future years, allocating to subagents automatically.

Add New Stock Items

  1. From the main screen of Retailer, click on Stock -> Stock Screen.
  2. Click on the Add button on the bottom-left.
  3. In the Enter Barcode and PLU screen:
    • Use [Alt]+[G] on the keyboard to generate a barcode.
    • Ensure that Use the same barcode for each issue is NOT ticked.
    • Enter a PLU for the item, eg. PROMO.
    • Click Next.
  4. In the Description screen:
    • Enter a description for the item.
    • Click Next.
  5. Select the appropriate Department and Category. Click Next.
  6. Select the appropriate Supplier. Click Next.
  7. Enter the appropriate amounts in COST INC. GST and SELL INC. GST. Click Next.
  8. Untick Print a label for this item when it is arrived?. Click Next.
  9. In Enter Newsagent Specific Settings:
    • In Each issue is identified by, select Text - Each issue has a different name.
    • In This item's frequency is, select Other.
    • In This item arrives on a, select a day that the item arrives on.
    • In Subagents receive this item on a, select a day that subagents receive the item on.
    • In Subagent Discount %, enter the subagent's discount/commission.
  10. Click Finish.

Creating a Subagent Order

  1. From the main screen of Retailer, click on the Customers button.
  2. Use the magnifying glass icon to access the Find Customer Screen. Search for and double-click on the subagent.
  3. Click on the Orders button.
  4. Click on the Standing Order button.
    • Click on Add Standing Order.
    • In Stock Item, type in the PLU of the item, eg. PROMO.
    • In Discount Profile, select Stock Discount to use the discount that was set when the item was created.
    • In Amount, type in the quantity to deliver.
    • Click Save Changes.

The item(s) will only appear on subagent orders when the item(s) are arrived.

Arriving the Items

  1. From the main screen of Retailer, click on Stock -> Invoice Arrivals.
  2. Select the supplier from the drop-down box.
  3. Enter the invoice number or press [Enter] to use the date as the invoice number.
  4. In Supplier Stock Code/PLU/Barcode:
    • Press [F6] on the keyboard until it reads PLU.
    • Enter the PLU for the current day’s item, eg. PROMO.
  5. Enter the QuantityCost PriceRetail PriceRecall Date.
  6. When you reach Issue Name//Volume/Issue//Month/Year:
    • Press [F6] until it reads Issue Name.
    • Type in the issue name of the item.
  7. Select the required Customer Delivery Date and Subagent Delivery Date.
  8. Press the [Tab] key or click Save.
  9. When prompted for a barcode, scan the barcode of the item or just click OK to use a generated barcode.
  10. The Confirm Orders screen may appear after the items have been arrived.

Once the item has been arrived, check the Subagent Orders screen and the order should be created.