This is for Newsagencies Only

This report gives you access to information on the daily performance of your newspapers.  This report also allows you to compare your newspaper performance for two different periods of time.

Generating the Report

To produce this report, follow the steps below:
  1. To access this report click on Reports -> Newsagency - > Newspaper Performance.
  2. In Select Date Range:
    • Moving Annual Total – This will compare the 12 months back from the date chosen.  This will then compare the figures with the same period 12 months prior.
    • Year to Date – You can chose calendar year (eg. 1/1 until today) or financial year  (eg. 1/7 to today).  It will compare the period chosen with the same period from the previous year.
    • Quarter – You can choose either the March, June, September, December quarters.  It will compare the one chosen with the same period quarter last year.
    • Date Range – In this option you get to select the periods to compare against.
  3. In Select which Categories and Suppliers to include: 
    • Choose either All Suppliers or a Selected Supplier
    • Choose either All Daily Titles or Selected Daily Titles. If you choose Selected Daily Titles, click on Add and select a daily title from the Find Stock Screen.
  4. In Report On, choose from the following:
    • Retail & Distribution – All sales of newspapers are considered.
    • Distribution – Only home delivery and subagent sales are considered.
    • Retail Only – This will only consider over the counter sales and invoices.
  5. Click on Preview or Print.

Reading the Report

  1. Stock item - the title of the newspapers
  2. Date range - the date ranges of transactions included in this report. This can be two date ranges based on the options selected.
The other fields are shown in different date ranges, and a Variance column at the end will compare the fields between the two date ranges.
  1. Qty Sold - number of papers sold
  2. Total Sales - total value of the papers sold
  3. GP $ - dollar figure of the gross profit from these sales
  4. % of Total Sales - shows percentage (for a given day of week) of paper sales, as a proportion of all newspaper sales. They should total up to 100% across all titles.
  5. % Sale of Product - shows percentage (for a given day of week) of paper sales, as a proportion of all sales for this title. This should total up to 100% for this title.
  6. Returns % - percentage of papers returned to supplier

Exporting the Report

You can export the report to either a PDF document or Excel spreadsheet by using the Preview button and following the below steps:
  1. PDF - Click on the red PDF button at the top of the report and choose your save destination.
  2. Excel spreadsheet - Click on the Print button at the top left. Tick 'Print to File' and select 'Xlsx Data File'. Click on the three dots button [...] to choose your save destination. Click OK to save the file.