Many newsagencies who receive Mills & Boon books find that the labels don’t match up with the title of the books. This is because the supplier reuses the Supplier Stock Code based on price point, rather than using a unique code for each title. This sheet shows you how to set these titles up so that you see the issue description on the barcode label.

  1. To begin, find a recent Mills & Boon invoice from Gordon and Gotch.
  2. On the invoice, locate the Supplier Stock Code, and write down each different code.
  3. Close the Invoice Arrivals screen once all the codes have been written down.
  4. From the main screen of Retailer, click on the Stock and then Stock Screen icon.
  5. Click on the magnifying glass icon to access the Find Stock Screen.
  6. Click on any box under the Supplier Stock Code column and type in one of the codes you wrote down earlier.
  7. Ensure that the correct stock item is highlighted and then press OK.
  8. In Description, remove everything before the colon (:) and replace it with M+B.
  9. Press Save.
  10. Click on the Other tab, and ensure that Print Barcode on Arrival is ticked.
  11. Click on the Newsagency tab and ensure that Use the same barcode for each issue is NOT ticked.
  12. Repeat steps 5-11 for every other stock item with the same supplier stock code.
  13. Repeat steps 5-11 for every other supplier stock code from the invoice.

After this is done, the next time you receive Mills & Boon titles, the descriptions will show the correct issue name after the colon (:), eg. M+B: HIS BOARDROOM MISTRESS and this will update each time a new issue arrives.