This utility allows you to merge customers from one statement type into another.

It is advised that you back up your data before running this utility as there is no undo function if you accidentally merge the wrong category.

  1. From the Main Screen of Retailer, click on Utilities -> Merge Customer Statement Types.
  2. Pick the Statement Type you wish to merge from in the Old Statement Type drop down menu (the one you don't want to keep).
  3. Pick the Statement Type you wish to merge into with the Merge Into drop down menu (the one you want to keep).
  4. Selecting the Check for customers with invalid statement types will move everyone with a corrupt or missing Statement Type into the one selected in the Merge Into field.
  5. When you are ready to merge click the OK button and Retailer will move the customers from the Old Statement Type into the category selected in the Merge Into box and then remove the Old Statement Type.
    A notification window will pop up when finished letting you know how many customers were affected.

None of the settings of the statement type being merged into will change. The only information changed is which statement type the customer is linked to.