Retailer has the ability to link different customer to each other and provide them with a combined statement. This is especially useful for family accounts where multiple people purchase things from the store, as well as businesses with various departments whose purchases may need to be audited. 

When using Retailer Linked Accounts, it is important to understand that for each group of customers you intend to link, there can only be one Master account. You can then have as many Linked accounts as you need attached to the main Master account.

The Master Office address is where the statement will be sent.

AlertThe Master Account must not be used for any transactions or orders directly—all transactions/orders must be on the linked accounts and the Master Account is just used to group the linked accounts together.

Creating a Master Office Account

The Master Office Account is used to control all of the accounts linked to it. To set up a Master Office account:

  1. From the Customer Screen, click on Add.
    NOTE: If you have an existing customer account to use as the Master, skip to step 3 (this account cannot have transactions or a balance).
  2. Enter the details of the Master Account.
  3. When the customer has been added/selected, select the desired Statement Type and Account Category in the Other tab. Note down these selections, as you will need them later.
  4. Click on the Postal tab, then click on Link Account.
  5. You will see a message "Do you want to make this customer the Master Office Account and link other customers to it?" Answer Yes.

Linking a New Account

You can link as many accounts as you like to one Master Office. An account can only be linked to one Master. There are two ways you can link accounts to a Master.

  1. From the Customer Screen, click on Add.
  2. Enter the details of the Linked Account.
  3. When the customer has been added, select the same Statement Type and Account Category (in the Other tab) as the Master Account above.
  4. Click on the magnifying glass icon and bring up the Master Account.
  5. Click on the Master Office button.
  6. You will be shown the Linked Account Details section of the Customer Screen.
  7. Click on Link.
  8. Select the Linked Account you just created and press OK.

Linking an Existing Account

  1. Look up the Master Account, and click on the Master Office button.
  2. Click on Link.
  3. Select the existing account you wish to link to this Master, then press OK.
  4. Repeat for any other customers you wish to link to this Master.

Unlinking an Account

  1. Look up the Master Account, and click on the Master Office button.
  2. Select the account you wish to unlink, then click on UnLink.
  3. You will be asked to confirm this action. Answer Yes.

Using the Linked Account Details Screen

When you’re viewing any account involved in a Linked Account scenario (i.e. the Master or a Linked Account), you can double-click on the name of an account and be taken to the Customer Screen for that account.

You can also use the Back button to hide the Linked Account Details screen and return to the normal Orders area.

Setting Up Statements

There are two formats for Linked Account to print:

By default, it will print statements for each linked account individually, and a master account statement.

You can choose Only Print The Master Office Account Statement, and this will print only a master account statement. It will combine all of the items and delivery fees for all linked accounts and give a final total.

Paying Linked Accounts

When a statement has been printed for a Master Office Account, it is recommended that the full statement be paid before the next statement is printed. This is the best case scenario. If the statement cannot be paid before the next one, each individual account must be paid individually (i.e. finding how much each account owes and paying that off one by one). If this is often going to be the case, there is no advantage to using Linked Accounts.