Manufactured Goods Report

Manufactured Goods Report

The Manufactured Goods Report can be used to list all MFG Stock Items and their component stock items

  1. From the main screen of Retailer, click on Stock and then Stock Screen.
  2. Click the Magnifying Glass to search and select a MFG Item.
  3. Click the MFG button.
  4. Click the MFG Report button at the bottom of the Manufactured Goods screen.
  5. Report Options
    1. Show All Components - List Component Stock Items under each Manufactured Good
    2. Only Show Manufactured Goods With A QOH Greater Than 0 - Only show MFG Items that are in stock. If the components are in stock but the quantity on hand for the MFG Item is less than or equal to 0, the MFG won't show on the report
    3. All Departments / Selected Department - Only show MFG Items from the chosen department

Reading the Report

  1. Barcode
  2. Stock Description
  3. Quantity on Hand
  4. Cost - Inc. GST
  5. Retail
  6. Components (if ticked in Report Options above)
    1. Barcode
    2. Stock Description
    3. Qty Used - Required Quantity of each component to make MFG Item

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