Manual Stocktake List report

Manual Stocktake List report

The Manual Stocktake List report is a checklist of items printed off with tickboxes to help with manually counting stock.

This report can be run to produce a full checklist of items in the store for stocktaking, or it can also be run just for items that were put onto a specific stocktake.

Generating the Report

  1. To run the report, in the main screen of Retailer, click on Stock Maintenance -> Stocktake -> Manual Stocktake List in the top menu.
  2. In Select Quantity On Hand Level, you can set these options:
    1. All Stock Items - include all stock in the system, regardless of quantities.
    2. Greater than 0 - only include stock that has 1 or more quantities on hand.
    3. Less than or equal to 0 - only include stock that has 0 quantities or less (negative quantities).
    4. Less than 0 - only include stock that has negative quantities.
  3. In Details to Display, select between these options:
    1. Stock Item's PLU - This will display the checklist with the PLU code of each item in each line.
      Click HERE for more information about using PLU.
    2. Supplier Stock code - This will display the SSC of the item in each line of the checklist.
  4. In Print Order, you can choose the order in which it lists the items:
    1. Department -> Description - This will organise the items by Department group first, then alphabetically by their name.
    2. Description - This will sort the items in the checklist by their name, alphabetically.
    3. Barcode - This will organise the checklist by the item barcode, numerically.
    4. Supplier Stock Code -  This will list the items in order of their Supplier Stock Code, numerically and alphabetically.
  5. In Page Orientation, you can select the orientation of the checklist:
    1. Portrait - Displays and prints the stocktake list in vertical portrait layout. The A4 page is longer from top to bottom, than it is wide.
    2. Landscape - Displays and prints the stocktake list in horizontal landscape layout. This gives each line more space to print more information, and the page is wider left to right, than it is long. May be suitable if a lot of your stock descriptions run long.
  6. In Other Options, there are a few more general options for the stocktake list:
    1. Select Stocktake - this allows you to focus the checklist on just items that were added/processed in a previous stocktake. You can tick the box, and select the stocktake from the drop-down box on the right. E.g. you ran a stocktake according to the shelves, and had a stocktake specifically carrying certain items that have not changed, so now you can print off a stocktake list of those exact items.
    2. Print barcodes on the listing - Tick to show a barcode of each item. This can be used to scan the stock count back into Retailer.
    3. Hide Inactive Items - Tick this to exclude any stock items marked as Inactive in the Stock screen.
    4. Show Store Locales (landscape only) - Displays the locale of items in each line, if the list is printed in Landscape orientation, and you use Store Locales.
      Click HERE for more information on using Store Locales.
    5. Show Serial Numbers - Items that have serial numbers can have these displayed beneath the item line in the checklist, when this is ticked.
    6. Show Full Description - The name of the stock items will be displayed showing the full description, instead of the short description as printed on labels.
  7. In the grid on the right, the Departments and Categories of stock items are shown.
    1. Choose Select All, to include all stock Departments and Categories.
    2. Choose Selected, and then tick the boxes of Departments and Categories that you wish to include in the stocktake list. You can click the arrow next to each Department to see the Categories under it, and tick the Categories to include as needed.
    3. Tick Include Stock not in a Category, if you have stock in a particular department to be included in the stocktake list, but those stock have no Categories assigned (blank).

Reading the Report

The title of the report, as well as the date and time it was run, will be shown at the top of the report.
The rest of the checklist will show:
Barcode - Barcode of the stock item will be shown in the first column, this can be hidden with one of the report options.
PLU / SSC - PLU or Supplier Stock Code of the item will be shown here, depending on which report option is selected.
Description - Name of the product will be shown here, based on whether the full description option is ticked (if not, short description will be shown).
Retail Price - Normal sell price of the product.
Current QOH - Current quantities of the item, as of the date and time this report has been run.
Actual QOH - Space to enter the actual quantities of the item, as counted in the stocktake.

Serial numbers, and stock locales will be shown beneath the item line if the options are ticked to show them.

Exporting the Report

You can export the report to a PDF or Excel spreadsheet by using the Preview button and following the below steps:
  1. PDF - Click on the PDF button at the top of the screen. Select where to save the PDF.
  2. Excel spreadsheet - Click on the Print button in the top left. Tick 'Print to File' and select 'Xlsx Data File'. Click on the three dots button [...] to choose your save destination. Click OK to save the file.

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