Lost Communication with Network Server
A Lost Communication with Network Server error message will appear if the connection between a POS/secondary computer and the main/server computer is interrupted. There can be various causes for this.
POS/secondary computers getting Lost Communication with Network Server error multiple times a day
- A simple reason for this can be that your main/server computer is going to sleep. You check your main/server computer's sleep setting by doing a Windows search for 'Power & sleep settings'.
- Another reason can be related to your physical network connection between your POS computers and your main/server. You should check your Ethernet cables and router to make sure they're securely in place and in working condition.

HERE for more information on basic network troubleshooting.
Lost Communication with Network Server in the morning
- If you leave your Retailer program open overnight and you have Retailer Backup set to create automatic backups each night, it will take the database down when it does the backup and will cause the error for any computers with Retailer still open.
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