This link allows your current stock information to be sent to the Just for Pets webstore.

Before you start

To have the link enabled, please email and request the Just for Pets link be enabled for your store.

Once this setup is complete, it will take up to 24 hours for stock to show online.

  1. On the main computer in the store, open Retailer Backup. The blue R on the Desktop.
  2. On the left, click on Settings then Database settings.
  3. Click on Install MSO service, after a pause, a message should pop up that says MSOutpost Service Started. Click OK.
  4. Click on Install Weblink service, after a pause, a message should pop up that says Weblink Service Started. Click OK.
  5. Click Close.

Setting up the Sales options

The sales from the website will be automatically imported back into Retailer and update your stock on hand. You will need to choose how these sales will be imported.

  1. From the main screen of Retailer, click on Tasks > Webstore Import/Export.
  2. In Frequency to Run export Select Interval
  3. In Export/Import Internal, enter 00:30, then click Save.
  4. Click on Export Options on the left.
  5. In Export Method, select Send to Shopify, then click Save.
  6. Click on Sales Options on the left.
  7. Add all Web Store Sales to Customer number - If you enable this option, all webstore sales will be assigned to the chosen customer, if this is unticked, each webstore purchase will be linked to the customer. The customer will be created if they don't already exist. It will try to match customers by email address.
  8. Webstore Payment Type - Choose the paytype to be used for Webstore sales.
    NOTE: For a guide to adding a new paytype click HERE
  9. Webstore Location - Not applicable for most stores and will be greyed out. If it is available, choose which store that the sales will import into. Quantities on hand will be adjusted at that store.
  10. Web Sale Terminal - This will be the terminal that the webstore sales are assigned to.
  11. Click Save and Close.