Invoice Balance Adjustment

Invoice Balance Adjustment

This function should not be used unless specifically instructed to do so by Tower Support.

This allows an existing invoice for a customer to have its balance owing reduced (potentially zeroed out). It does not write-off the invoice, and it does not help reduce the customer's account balance.
It is generally only used in particular situations where a particular invoice must have the balance credited out or zeroed, and the amount will still be paid off or offset in some other transaction on the account.

To perform this action:
  1. Go to the Customer screen and bring up a Customer account that has an Invoice Sale.
  2. Right click on the invoice in the bottom right grid, showing the transaction history.
  3. Click on Balance Adjust Invoice.
  4. In the box that appears, enter the amount that should be reduced from the invoice balance (the customer will owe less on this invoice).
  5. Click OK.

This action will then reduce that invoice balance by the amount specified, using a new Balance Adjustment that credits the invoice.
However, it maintains the overall balance of the account, and another Balance Adjustment will be created in the account, holding the outstanding balance to be paid/credited later.
This is most likely only used if its important for the paper trail to show a particular transaction has been adjusted to not owe anything, and a different transaction is performed for actual payment or credit.
For most situations, a combination of Invoice Credits, Balance Adjustments and sales transactions should be performed instead.
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