Invoice Arrivals Due Date

Invoice Arrivals Due Date

When arriving an Invoice in Invoice Arrivals, the Due Date field can be set to calculate one of four ways
  1. Number of days after Invoice Date
  2. Number of days after the end of the Invoice Month
  3. Of the Following Month
  4. Of the Current Month
This setting is set per Supplier.
  1. From the main screen of Retailer click on Stock or Stock Maintenance.
  2. Click on Suppliers and Departments.
  3. Click on the Suppliers tab.
  4. Click the magnifying glass and choose a supplier.
  5. Under Suppliers click on the Other tab
  6. Use the Due Date Type drop down box to select the desired type
  7. Set the Days/Date box to the required number of days
  8. Click Save
Setting Days/Date to 31 will automatically choose the last day of the month for months with less than 31 days when used with of following month or of current month

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