The steps below detail how to delete a supplier invoice and reverse the stock quantity back to what they were prior to the arrival of the supplier invoice.

To Delete a Supplier Invoice
  1. From the main screen of Retailer, click on Stock -> Invoice Arrivals.
  2. In Supplier, type or select the supplier's name.
  3. In Invoice, type or select the invoice number.
  4. Press the [Enter] key on your keyboard, twice.
  5. Click the Delete Invoice button at the bottom-left. Alternatively, press [Alt]+[N] on your keyboard.
  6. Three confirmation screens will appear consecutively. Click Yes to each one to confirm that you want to delete the invoice.
  7. A screen will appear to type in Yes, delete this invoice and adjust stock. This is case-sensitive and the comma also needs to be typed in.
  8. Click OK and the invoice will be deleted.