This is for Newsagencies Only

Every time you preview or print statements a PDF is created. These can then be reprinted from the computer the statements were printed from originally.

To reprint subagent statements, go through the following steps

  1. On the top menu bar of Retailer, click on Customers -> Subagent Statements.
  2. Click on the View PDF button.
  3. Look for and select the most recent statement to print for the particular subagent. The filename is displayed as yy-mm-dd(customer number).pdf.
    NOTE: To make it easier to search for the correct statement:
    • Click on the View Option button (if it is available) and select Details. Depending on your version of Windows, that may be a menu option on top.
    • Click on the Date Modified column header to order the list by date.
  4. Click Open. The statement will now be displayed as a PDF and can be viewed/printed.