The Global Pricing feature allows Multi Store users to set a single price for stock items that will apply across all store locations. These settings are available per department and per category.

This setting ensures all locations uses the same cost and retail price for the same item, and it will update all locations based on new data e.g. Invoice Arrivals regardless which location this happens in

Setting Up Base Location for Global Pricing

The base location is the store at which the pricing of stock items will be based off.

  1. From the main screen of Retailer, go to Setup -> System -> Stock.
  2. Under Global Pricing, select the store which is to be used as the base store for stock item pricing.
  3. Click on Save and Close.

Applying Global Pricing

There are 3 ways to apply Global Pricing in Retailer. You can apply Global Pricing to:

  • A) A range of departments and categories
  • B) An individual Department or Category
  • C) An individual stock item

A) Applying Global Pricing to Multiple Departments and Categories.

  1. From the main screen of Retailer, go to Setup -> Global Pricing.
  2. Tick Use Global Pricing for each department that should use the feature.
  3. Additionally, click on the plus signs to select the categories within each department.
  4. Tick the Apply Now box for each department that you want to change now and click on Apply pricing to items.
  5. Click Save and Close.

B) Applying Global Pricing on a Department or Category.

  1. From the main screen of Retailer, go to Stock Maintenance -> Suppliers & Departments.
  2. Click on magnifying glass icon to bring up Find Department screen.
  3. Select your department and click on OK.
  4. Tick the Use Global Pricing box. This will set the department and all categories with it to use Global Pricing.
  5. Click on Save and click on Close.
  6. If you wish to change a category, click the Categories tab, find the category to be set up, and follow step 4-5.

C) Applying Global Pricing on an individual stock item.

  1. From the main screen of Retailer, go to Stock Maintenance -> Stock Screen.
  2. Click on magnifying glass to bring up the Find Stock Screen.
  3. Select the stock item and click on OK.
  4. Tick the Use Global Pricing For This Item box.
  5. Click on Save and click on Close.

Report for Global Pricing

This report tracks the price changes on stock items that used Global Pricing.

  1. From the main screen of Retailer, go to Reports -> Stock Reports -> Price Changes Report.
  2. In Report date range, enter a Start Date and End Date.
  3. In Prices to include, tick the price changes to display.
  4. In Retailer modules to include, tick the Global Pricing tick box.
  5. Choose Select All or Selected and tick the required departments/categories.
  6. Click Preview or Print.