The General Debtors Report allows you to see a list of your customers and how much they owe for any date since upgrading to Retailer 3.

Generating the Report

  1. On the top menu bar of Retailer, click on Reports -> Customer -> General Debtors Report.
  2. Select the Aging Types of customers to report on. For all customers, tick all options.
  3. Choose the Customer Categories to report on, or all Categories.
  4. Choose the Customer Account Categories to report on, or all Categories.
  5. You can show or hide some of the columns on the report. Tick boxes to show and untick to hide.
  6. Select End date - If unticked, report will run for today. If you need the report for a previous day, tick this and choose the date on the right.
    NOTE: This will only be accurate for dates after you upgraded to Retailer 3.
  7. Balance - This enables the report to select customers to display based on their balance.
  8. Sort by - will order the customers on the report based on the selection.

Reading the Report

The Customer Listing Report has several columns which give you information about the customers orders.

  • Name - Full name of the customer
  • Num - The customer number in Retailer
  • Company Name
  • Address
  • Mobile
  • Phone
  • Email
  • Cred Lim- Credit Limit
  • Older - Balance older than 3 months
  • Feb, Mar, Apr - The report will list charges to the customer from this month and then the 2 previous months (for default Aging Type - End of month). It will show different headings for different Aging Types.
  • Balance - Total outstanding balance on the Account