This is for Newsagencies Only

Retailer’s export facility allows you to generate customer orders into a text file or a printable report for a supplier. This is generally used to inform them of your current customers and their orders for telemarketing purposes.

Export Customer Orders for Newspaper Suppliers

  1. From the main screen of Retailer, click on Utilities -> Supplier Communication -> Generate Stops/Starts File.
  2. Select the supplier from the Supplier drop-down menu.
  3. Click on Setup.
  4. Click on the yellow folder icon next to Out-tray.
    • Navigate to C:\Tower\Retailer\Outtray.
    • Click on New Folder and type in the supplier's name. Press OK.
    • Press OK again.
  5. Out-tray should now be set to C:\Tower\Retailer\Outtray\[Supplier Name].
  6. Click on Save and Close.
  7. Back in Generate Stops / Starts File, enter the Start Date and End Date. Make this range as wide as possible to ensure all customers are included.
  8. Select Generate Customer Orders.
  9. Select All Stock Items.
  10. Select Text File.
  11. Click on Process.
  12. After the process is finished, there will be a file located in C:\Tower\Retailer\Outtray\[Supplier Name]. 
    NOTE: The supplier may require you to modify the file name according to their specifications. They will inform you of these requirements as necessary.
  13. When complete, send the file to the supplier. You will need to contact them for information on their preferred method of delivery.