This is for Newsagencies Only
Retailer’s export facility allows you to generate customer orders into a text file or a printable report for a supplier. This is generally used to inform them of your current customers and their orders for telemarketing purposes.
Export Customer Orders for Newspaper Suppliers
- From the main screen of Retailer, click on Utilities -> Supplier Communication -> Generate Stops/Starts File.
- Select the supplier from the Supplier drop-down menu.
- Click on Setup.
- Click on the yellow folder icon next to Out-tray.
- Navigate to C:\Tower\Retailer\Outtray.
- Click on New Folder and type in the supplier's name. Press OK.
- Press OK again.
- Out-tray should now be set to C:\Tower\Retailer\Outtray\[Supplier Name].
- Click on Save and Close.
- Back in Generate Stops / Starts File, enter the Start Date and End Date. Make this range as wide as possible to ensure all customers are included.
- Select Generate Customer Orders.
- Select All Stock Items.
- Select Text File.
- Click on Process.
- After the process is finished, there will be a file located in C:\Tower\Retailer\Outtray\[Supplier Name].
NOTE: The supplier may require you to modify the file name according to their specifications. They will inform you of these requirements as necessary. - When complete, send the file to the supplier. You will need to contact them for information on their preferred method of delivery.