To edit the email subject or body that is sent from Point of Sale email receipts:

  1. From the main screen of Retailer, click on Setup.
  2. Go down to Point Of Sale.
  3. Select the Terminals tab on the top.
  4. Select Report Mapping tab from the mid screen options.
  5. Find the Report Type you would like to edit the email for.
  6. Right click in the Printer box where it says, Email Customers via Retailer.
  7. Select Edit Email.
  8. In the pop-up screen, you can edit the Email Subject in the left box and the Email Body in the right box.
  9. There are a few Fields that can be used which inserts information for that sale or customer. To insert these Fields:
    • Select desired field from the dropdown box on the bottom right.
    • Click in the Email Subject or Email Body where you would like the field to be placed.
    • Click Insert Field.
  10. Once all changes have been made, click Ok.

The Email Subject and Body can be changed for each report separately.