Email Queue Management

Email Queue Management

Email Queue Management will list all emails sent from Retailer. These new features are available in Retailer 3.1 and newer version. Any that have sent successfully will be cleared from the list after 24 hours. If an email fails to send, a notification in Retailer will appear which will allow you to open Email Queue Management where you can see the error message, change the email address or resend.

On the top menu bar of Retailer, click to Tasks -> Mail Queue Manager.

The Mail Queue grid shows the details of all Emails sent from Retailer and their current status.
The list of emails will automatically refresh to the selected email. Using the keyboard up/down arrows to scroll will keep the selected email in view

Filtering the Email Queue

All columns in the Email Queue Manager can be sorted or filtered to only show certain values. For example, you can filter the list to only show emails that have Failed to Send or only show emailed statements
  1. Click the header of a column to sort by that column. Click the header again to reverse the sort order
  2. Hover the mouse over the column header and click the funnel 🝖 icon next to the heading to apply a filter to that column
    1. Tick the values you want to see in that column or click Custom to apply a custom filter

Remove from Email Queue

Emails with Status of Sent will be cleared from the list after 24 hours.
To manually clear any email, right click on it in the grid and select Delete Email
For emails with a Status of Sent, the Response may be Service closing transmission channel. No cause for concern, the Email has sent successfully.

Resending Failed Emails

Emails with a status of Failed have not sent. The Response box contains the Error Retailer received from the Email Server.
Right click on the Email in the Mail Queue grid
  1. Edit Recipient Address: Allows the receiving email address to be updated. Will automatically try to resend once email is updated.
  2. Resend Email: Changes the Email status back to New and will try to send again.
  3. Delete Email: Removes the Email from the Queue without resending
  4. Resend All Failed Emails: This will change all emails with status Failed, back to New, and attempt to resend them shortly.
Some Email providers do not send a clear Error Response. If the message in the Response field does not explain what the error means, you may need to search Google for the error to find out what the issue is

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