If you have staff doing your end of shift but you still need an overview of your takings for the day, setting up Retailer to email your end of shift reports is a great option. To set this up follow these steps:

Before you are able to send emails from Retailer you must have set up your outgoing email settings. Click HERE for instructions on setting that up. 

  1. On the top menu bar of Retailer, click on Tasks -> SMS Message Alerts.
  2. Click on Account Settings.
  3. Enter your email address into the Management Email Address field.
    You can enter multiple emails if you separate them using a semicolon ; (manager@email.com;owner@email.com)
  4. Tick Email EOS Reports to Manager.
  5. Click Save and Close.

You can also send other End of Shift notifications, either in addition to or as an alternative to the reports.

  1. On the top menu bar of Retailer, click on Tasks -> SMS Message Alerts.
  2. Click Notification Settings.
  3. Under the Management Alerts section there are 3 reports that can be sent regarding end of shift:
    • End of Shift Variance Difference
    • End of Shift Daily Sales Total
    • End Of Shift Department Totals
    Tick the email alert tick box for any of these reports you wish to receive. 
  4. Click Save. Now when any staff member completes an end of shift, copies of the select reports will be sent to the designated email address automatically.