Retailer provides the following 3 reports for Discount Vouchers:

  • Discount Voucher Report
  • Discount Voucher Summary Report
  • Discount Voucher Department Summary Report

Discount Voucher Report

Provides a detailed report about the performance of your discount vouchers.

  • Accessed through Reports -> Sales Reports -> Vouchers -> Voucher Report.
  • In the Discount Voucher Report Options screen:
    • In Date Range, select the Start Date and End Date.
    • In Vouchers to Show:
      • Select between Show All Vouchers or Show Selected Vouchers. If Show Selected Vouchers is selected, tick any combination of Current, Redeemed or Expired.
      • Tick Only Show Vouchers Based On Issue Date if you only want to report on vouchers that were issued within the selected date range.
  • Click Preview or Print.

Discount Voucher Summary Report

Summarises the performance of your discount vouchers by day, week or month.

  • Accessed through Reports -> Sales Reports -> Vouchers -> Voucher Summary.
  • In the Discount Voucher Summary Options screen:
    • In Date Range, select the Start Date and End Date.
    • In Group By Period, select between DailyWeekly or Monthly views of discount voucher performance.
  • Click Preview or Print.

Discount Voucher Department Summary Report

Displays the performance of your discount vouchers based on each department or category.

  • Accessed through Reports -> Sales Reports -> Vouchers -> Voucher Department Summary.
  • In the Discount Voucher Department Summary Options screen:
    • In Date Range, select the Start Date and End Date.
    • In Departments:
      • Tick Select All to select all departments. Alternatively, untick Select All and tick each individual department, as required.
      • Tick Show Department Categories if you want to view discount voucher performance per department.
  • Click Preview or Print.