Customer Orders Report

Customer Orders Report

This is for Newsagencies Only
The Customer Orders Report lets you compare a customer's standing order versus the quantity they received for a specific week.

Generating the Report

You can select which week's orders to look at by using the Week Ending Date option.
Click the Add Stock Item button to add one or more stock items that you wish to report on next.
Items will be shown in the box below.
Select an item and click the Delete Stock Item button to remove it from the list.

Order Options
Allows you to filter the results down to specific subscriptions (only one subscription can be looked at, at a time) or just run the report for all customer orders regardless of subscriptions.

Destination options
The Report option will show a PDF preview or send it straight to printing. Click Print or Preview for the relevant action.
The Text File option will create a CSV file of the report. When you click Print or Preview next, it will ask where to save the file.

Reading the Report

The report will display the following information:
  1. Num - Customer number
  2. Name - Full name of customer
  3. Address - Customer's address
  4. Title - Name of magazine or paper
  5. Offer code - Subscription code for the order
  6. Ordered (Days of week) - Number of copies ordered (split per day of the week)
  7. Received (Days of week) - Number of copies received (split per day of the week)

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