The Customer Listing Report allows you to see a list of of your customers and their newsagency orders for papers and magazines, as well as their current balance.

Generating the Report

  1. On the top menu bar of Retailer, click on Reports -> Customer -> Customer Listing.
  2. Select which customer categories you wish to run the report for. Click here for help setting up customer categories.
  3. Choose the order you wish to view the report in, it can be viewed by Customer Number, Surname, Street Key, Company Name
  4. Select the start and end customer number, leave the settings as they are to run it for all customers.
  5. Exclude All Order Details will remove the newsagency-specific order details from the report and only display the customer address and balance.

Reading the Report

The Customer Listing Report has several columns which give you information about the customer's newsagency-specific orders.

Each Customer is identified by their Customer Number and Address on the first line, their phone number is also displayed on the second line.

The other columns are explained below:

  1. Title - Identifies which magazine or paper the customer has on order.
  2. Start - The start date of the customers order.
  3. Days of the Week - Shows what day of the week a customer receives a title and how many they get on each day.
  4. Del/Put - Identifies if a title is a Put-away order or a Delivery Order

The balance columns below are highlighted in blue in the picture below to help identify the columns they refer too.

  1. Current - The current balance on the customers account
  2. 30-60 - Any amount more than 30 days in arrears 
  3. 60-90 - Any amount more than 60 days in arrears
  4. 90+ - Any amount more than 90 days in arrears

The Ch/Pap columns below are highlighted in green in the picture below to help identify the columns they refer too.

  1. Ch/Pap - Charge Paper identifies whether the order is being charged or not.
  2. Column - Identifies the price column the order uses from the stock screen for that item. This allows for separate pricing structures for the same item.
  3. Delivery Fee - Identifies what delivery fee is being charged for the title.