This is for Newsagencies Only

During the Invoice Arrival process, Retailer allows you to create a standing order for new titles. This has several benefits:
  • Saves you from having to manually invoicing the subagent.
  • Makes it easier to return the title.
  • Cuts down on paper work as they appear on the subagent dockets.
  • Makes it easier to keep track of sales and returns for subagents.

Enable Option

  1. On the main screen of Retailer, click on Stock -> Invoice Arrivals.
  2. Select the particular magazine supplier.
  3. On the ensure the option Subs: New is ticked in the top right of the window.

Creating Standing Order From Arrival

  1. Arrive magazines as per usual.
  2. When a new title is detected, the Find Stock Screen will appear. Click the Add button on the buttom-left and add the new title through the Stock Wizard.
  3. Once the item has been added, you will be asked if you wish to create subagent orders. Click Yes to create a standing order.
  4. Type in the quantity required for each subagent as required and click OK.
  5. The Confirm Orders screen may then appear and you can continue the arrival process.