There are a number of ways that you can change how Retailer deals with price changes during the Invoice Arrivals process.

These settings are specific to each supplier.

To access these options:

  1. On the top menu bar of Retailer, click on Stock Maintenance -> Suppliers and Departments.
  2. Click on the Suppliers tab at the top.
  3. Click on the magnifying glass icon to search for a particular supplier. Select the particular
  4. Click on the Other tab in the second row of tabs.
  5. The following 3 options affect how Retailer deals with price changes:
    • Warn user if the Cost Price changes
    • Warn user if the Sell Price changes
    • When Markup applied, keep existing Sell Price if change is less than

Warn User If The Cost Price Changes

This option allows you to track when the cost price of an item changes and then set a retail price to account for the new cost price.

  • If ticked, Retailer will display a screen to warn you when the cost price changes based on the percentage specified.
  • If unticked, Retailer will provide no warning and apply the new cost price.
  • In the drop down box, select between:
    • [+/-] - More or less than
    • [+] - More than
    • [-] - Less than
  • In the % box, type the percentage at which you want Retailer to warn you about cost price changes.
    NOTE: If the cost price change does not match the settings specified, the new cost price will be applied without warning.
  • Click Save.

As an example:

  • The Warn user if the cost price changes option is ticked.
  • A newly arrived item's cost price increased from $500.00 to $550.00.
  • The Arrival Price Change window appears showing the recalculated Sell Price and GP. The Sell Price in this screen can then be changed if needed.

Warn User If The Sell Price Changes

This option allows you to review and, if required, change the retail price when it differs from the existing price.

  • If ticked, Retailer will display a screen to warn you when the retail price changes based on the percentage specified.
  • If unticked, Retailer will provide no warning and apply the calculated/marked-up price specified by the Department/Category.
    NOTE: For more information about markups, click HERE.
  • In the drop down box, select between:
    • [+/-] - More or less than
    • [+] - More than
    • [-] - Less than
  • In the % box, type the percentage at which you want Retailer to warn you about retail price changes.
    NOTE: If the retail price change does not match the settings specified, the calculated/marked-up price will be applied without warning.
  • Click Save.

As an example:

  • The Warn user if the sell price changes option is ticked.
  • A newly arrived item's sell price increased from $750.00 to $800.00.
  • The Arrival Price Change window appears showing the new Sell Price and GP. The Sell Price in this screen can then be changed if needed.

When Markup Applied, Keep Existing Sell Price If Change Is Less Than

If the settings above result in a new retail price calculated from the department/category mark-up, this option tells Retailer to leave the existing retail price as is.

  • In the box to the right, enter in the percentage amount for which the existing sell price will be kept.
  • Click Save.

As an example:

  • The Warn user if the cost price changes option is ticked
  • The When markup applied, keep existing sell price if change is less than option is set to 100%.
  • An item's cost price increased from $500.00 to $550.00.
  • The resulting sell price would be recalculated to $825.00. However, the difference is only $125, which is less than 100% of $750.
  • The Arrival Price Change window appears showing the new Cost Price and GP. The Sell Price remains the same but can be changed manually if needed.