This is for Newsagencies Only

On certain occasions, you may want to provide your subagent(s) with a different discount percentage. To do this:
  1. From the main screen of Retailer, click on the Customers icon.
  2. In the Customer Screen, click on the magnifying glass icon and select your subagent from the list.
  3. Click on Orders.
  4. Click on Standing Order.
  5. Click on Find Standing Order to search for an existing order.
  6. Select the title from the list and click OK.
  7. In Discount Profile, choose from the following:
    • Paper: Uses the discount within Newspapers in Subagent Details
    • Magazine: Uses the discount within Magazines in Subagent Details
    • Stock: Uses the discount within Transactions in Subagent Details
    • Other: Allows you to specify a specific discount percentage
  8. Click Save Changes.

If the current week's orders have already been generated, you will need to change the discount amounts manually within the All Orders tab. Future weeks' orders will generate with the new discount percentage.