The Category Performance Report allows you to view your top performing categories in each department based on their gross profit, it can be run for all departments or a specific department.

Generating the Report

  1. On the top menu bar of Retailer, click on Reports -> Sales Reports -> Category Performance Report.
  2. Select the date range you wish to run the report, the longer the time frame the better average figures.
  3. Choose if you want to run the report for all departments or a specific department. Only 1 department can be selected with this option.

Exclude Home Delivery & Subagent Orders is only used for newsagents.

Reading the Report

The Category Performance Report has several columns with sales figures for each category.

From here you can see the following.

  1. Rank - The categories rank based its on gross profit made in the time period selected.
  2. Category - The name of the category
  3. No of Items Sold - Total number of items sold during the time period selected.
  4. Total - Total retail value of items sold in the time period selected.
  5. Avg Sale Value - The average value a sale from that category in the time period selected.
  6. Total Cost - The total cost of items sold in the time period selected.
  7. Gross Profit - The total gross profit made on that category in the time period selected, this is what the report uses to rank the categories.
  8. Percentage GP Contribution - The total percentage of gross profit this category makes up of the total sales in this report.

The %GP Contribution figure will be different depending on how many departments have been selected as it based on the total number of sales in the report, not overall sales. For the most accurate GP Contribution of total sales, this report should be run for 1 year for all departments.