The Business Analysis Report lists departments and a breakdown of their sales, profit, return on investment, stock turnover times and value, as well as sales by floor space and shelf length.

Setting Area Per Department 

To use the Business Analysis Report to analyse sales by Linear Metres and Floor Space you will need to set how much area each department uses. To do this:

  1. On the main screen of Retailer, click Stock > Suppliers & Departments.
  2. From here you can enter the floor space and linear metres used, these mean:
    • Floor Space – Floor area (in square metres) that this department occupies.
    • Linear Metres – The total length of all shelves this department uses (i.e If toys occupy 3 shelves 4 metres long, the total is 12 linear metres) 

Generating Report               

  1. On the top menu bar of Retailer, click on Reports -> Sales Reports -> Business Analysis Report.
  2. In Options:
    • Week Starting Date – Select the date you wish to begin analysing from.
      NOTE: The start date will always default to the nearest Sunday
    • Number of Weeks used to Calculate Sale Averages – This is used to choose how many weeks of sales will be analysed for sales figures shown in the report.
    • Calculate Stock Value, Return On Investment and Turnover – Shows these values on the report.
    • Exclude Agency – Excludes all Agency departments from report figures.
    • Show All Departments Regardless of Sales – This will show all departments on the list, even if no sales are made.
  3. Click Preview or Print

 Reading the Report 

The Business Analysis Report analyses sales over a period. It also calculates GP, ROI, Turnover, Value and sales by both Linear Metres and Floor Space.

  • Department – Lists the department that is being analysed.
  • This week – Lists the value of sales made for the specified department for the last week.
  • Average – Shows the average value of sales completed per week over the specified time period.
  • This Week to Average – Shows the value of sales that need to be completed to make the average.
  • % Gross Profit – Shows the Gross Profit of sales made in this department as a percentage.
  • $ Gross Profit – Shows the Gross Profit of sales made in this department as a dollar figure.
  • % ROI – Lists the Return on Investment figure as a percentage. To do this the total return of the investment is divided by the cost of the investment to determine the actual return of the investment.
  • Stock Turn – This figure divides your cost of sales with the average value of stock held and tells you how many times stock is being sold and purchased over the specified time period.
  • Stock Value – Shows the total value of stock in that department.
  • Sales by Linear Metres – Shows the total amount of sales made for this department this week per linear metre.
  • Gross Profit by Linear Metres – Shows the total amount of profit made for the last week per linear metre.
  • Sales by Floor Space – Shows the total amount of sales made for this department this week per cubic metre of floor space.
  • Gross Profit by Floor Space – Shows the total amount of profit made for the last week per cubic metre of floor space.

Exporting the Report

You can export the report to either a PDF document or Excel spreadsheet by using the Preview button and following the below steps:
  1. PDF - Click on the red PDF button at the top of the report and choose your save destination.
  2. Excel spreadsheet - Click on the Print button at the top left. Tick 'Print to File' and select 'Xlsx Data File'. Click on the three dots button [...] to choose your save destination. Click OK to save the file.