At the end of each Financial Year, we have a lot of questions from users regarding the GST figures to show on the Business Activity Statement (BAS). This sheet has been designed to answer the most common questions.

Retailer is NOT an accounting package. An additional Accounting Link module is available to link with MYOB, QuickBooks and Xero. Contact your local Sales Representative for information.

Accrual Accounting Method

  1. Where can I find my Total Sales figure? (GST Payable)
    • You need to look at the Monthly Takings Report for the date range required according to your BAS form.
    • Go to Reports -> Sales Reports ->Takings Reports -> Monthly Takings Report.
    • The figure in the Monthly Takings Report includes sales, invoices, order charges, subagent charges, completed laybys, surcharges, delivery fees, accounting fees and subscription charges.
      IMPORTANT: You must NOT tick Exclude Home Delivery and Subagent Orders if you are a newsagency.
  2. Where can I find the Net Total for Invoices Arrived? (Credit for GST Paid)
    • Net Total for Invoices arrived = Total Invoices Arrived - Total Returns.
    • For the Total Invoices Arrived, go to Reports -> Stock Reports -> Invoice Arrivals. Select All Suppliers and untick the three options at the bottom of the screen.
    • For the Total Returns, go to Reports -> Stock Reports -> GST Returns Credit Report.

Cash Accounting Method

  1. Where can I find Total Cash Sales and Payments? (GST Payable)
    • You need to look at the Monthly GST Cash Accounting for the date range required according to your BAS form.
    • The figure in this report includes all cash as well as payments for all order charges, invoices and laybys for the period.
    • Go to Reports -> Sales Reports -> Takings Reports -> GST Cash Accounting Reports -> Monthly GST Cash Accounting Report.
  2. Where can I find Payments Against Stock Received? (Credit for GST Paid)
    • Retailer can not give you this information as it is not an accounting package. There are no record of payments against stock received. Please refer to your accounting package or manual records.