Setting up a Buy One Get One Free (BOGO) a '2 for 1' offer in retailer is very easy. This is a 2-step process. First, you need to create a catalogue and then assign discounts to it. The steps below will run you through the entire process.

  1. Create the catalogue time period.
  2. Add each item and select a discount amount.

Follow the below steps to create the BOGO catalogue within Retailer.

Adding a Catalogue

  1. On the top menu bar of Retailer, click on Setup -> Catalogues.
  2. Click on the Add button in the upper section of the screen.
  3. In Catalogue, enter the name of the catalogue.
  4. Choose a Start and End Date for the catalogue, eg. 1 month
  5.  Additionally, you can choose a Start and End time for each day. eg, a ‘happy hour’ offer.
    NOTE: Times must be entered in the 24-hour format (eg. 4:00pm is 16:00).
  6. Manual Stop is used to stop the catalogue straight away. This overrides the date/time settings in steps 4 and 5. 
    If this is ticked, the catalogue is set as being inactive and will not operate until it is unticked again.
  7. Once all of the details are correct, click on Save.
If a catalogue is set to Not Active, but you want to start it immediately, you can double-click on the words Not Active and it will activate immediately.

Adding items to the BOGO or 2 for 1 Catalogue

There are 2 options for setting up a Buy One Get One Free discount.

Option 1 - For single items. eg, buy 'Item A' get another 'Item A' for free

  1. Click on the Add Item button in the lower section of the screen.
  2. In Catalogue, select the catalogue for this item to appear in. (the one you created in the previous step)
  3. In Discount Type, select the Discount Type as Stock Item
  4. Enter the barcode for the item you wish to discount.
  5. Enter a quantity of 2 or more (for example a 3 for 2 offer)
  6. Choose Discount price and set the value to the total value of 1 product. (or 2 if doing a 3 for 2 offer)
  7. Press Save. Then select the desired option to continue:
  • Add different stock items using the same discount.
  • Add a different stock item (with a different discount setting).
  • Add this item again with a different quantity.
  • Finish (Do not add any more stock). 

You can use this step if you offer a similar discount but with a larger qty. eg. Buy 3, get 1 free. In this case, you will need to change the quantity in step 5 and the discount price in step 6.

Option 2 - This works for a BOGO deal on a range of stock. For example buy any item from this range an get one free.

  1. Click on the Add Item button in the lower section of the screen.
  2. In Catalogue, select the catalogue for this item to appear in. (the one you created in the previous step)
  3. In Discount Type, select the Discount Type as Mix and Match
  4. Enter the barcode or PLU (or press Enter to do a lookup) for the first item.
  5. In Quantity, enter the number of items required to be purchased in order to receive the discount. 
  6. The Discount Price is the total price for all of the items selected in the chosen quantity.
  7. Press Add Item, then select another of the items to be included.
  8. Press Save.
  9. Repeat steps 4 & 5 to add all items included in the catalogue.

When you want to add more items to the mix & match later, make sure you edit an existing item that is already set up (not add a new one).

If a customer buys any combination of these items, they will receive the discount when they reach the specified quantity.

For help adding other types of discounts click Here.