This article only covers the BigCommerce specific setup, for the full setup use Setting up a new Webstore
Configure BigCommerce API
- Log in to your BigCommerce admin portal / backend.
- Click on Settings on the left.
- Scroll down to the bottom until you find API and click on Store-Level API Accounts.
- Click on Create API Account.
- Ensure Token Type is set to V2/V3 API Token.
- Type in a name for your connection which should be TWC.
- Under the OAuth Scopes ensure the following is granted permissions
Scope Permission Information & settings read-only CustomersmodifyOrders modify Order transactions modify Create payments create Get payment methods read-only Products modify Store Locationsmodify Channel SettingsmodifyChannel ListingsmodifyStore Inventory modify - Click on Save.
- You will then be presented with the BigCommerce API Credentials Page. COPY each of the keys and paste these into notepad as they will be needed later and you can't access these steps again.
TWC API Key Mapping
When inputting the API keys in the TWC setup please follow these instructions
For store hash, this is best obtained by from your Big Commerce admin URL and is the number and letters after the store-. So if you admin URL is https://store-xf89i49gzt.mybigcommerce.com then your store hash is xf89i49gzt.