This report allows you to breakdown and compare the average baskets or sales in your store for 2 date ranges. This will give you an overview of what departments, categories or suppliers are contributing the most to your overall sales.

Generating the Report

  1. Click on Reports -> Sales Reports -> Basket Analysis Report.
  2. The options for the basket analysis report are explained below:
    • Current Date Range – Set your current or most recent date range, for example the last 3 to 6 months
    • Comparison Date Range – Set your date range from the past, this should be the same time period as above and match the same dates for the previous year
    • Level Of Information To Show – Choose the level of detail you wish to see. We recommend to view by only department as adding supplier and category information can produce an overly detailed report that is harder to read.
    • Show Breakdown Over Days – This is a useful function that should be ticked. It will show the breakdown of average sale values per day of the week.
    • Show Colour To Represent Growth & Decline – Makes the report easier to read colour coding Growth and Decline
    • List ACP Titles Separately - Used for newsagents, shows a breakdown of certain magazine titles.
  3. Once you have chosen your settings, click Preview to view the report.

Reading the Report

The report is split into 3 columns that show the 2 date ranges selected as well as a variance column.

A basket in this report is equivalent to a sale. So the number of baskets is the number of sales.

In the first 2 columns you will see the following information:

  • Department/Category/Supplier – Identifies the department, category or supplier being measured.
  • Penetration – This shows the percentage to which that department makes up part of all sales measured. Note this column will not add up to %100 as more than 1 department can occur in a single sale
  • Basket Occurrences – The number of times this department occurred in a sale.
  • Single Item Sales – The number of times this department had sales where only 1 item was sold
  • Percent Single Item – The percentage of sales where only a single item was sold from that department
  • Single Dept Sales – The number of sales where only items from this department were sold.
  • Percent Single Dept – The percentage of sales where only items from this department were sold

Lower numbers in single item and department sales are a good sign as this should mean a greater spread of product mix in sales.

The 3rd column gives you the variances between the 2 date ranges:

  • Change In Penetration – The actual change in percentage from the old date range to the current
  • Penetration Growth/Decline – The growth or decline in percentage terms
  • Change In Baskets – The number difference in the total amount of basket occurrences.
  • Basket Growth/Decline – The number difference in the total amount of basket occurrences in percentage terms
  • Single Item Growth/Decline – Percentage growth or decline of single item sales
  • Single Dept Growth/Decline – Percentage growth or decline of single department sales
At the end of this section you will get an average sale value for the time period as well as the number of Baskets or Sales in that time period, as well as a variance of these.

Listing by department

This section of the report allows you to see the average percentage each department contributes to overall sales per day of the week.
At the end of this section there is a summary of the total number of sales for each day of the week as well the average sale value for each day of the week.

Exporting the Report

You can export the report to either a PDF document or Excel spreadsheet by using the Preview button and following the below steps:
  1. PDF - Click on the red PDF button at the top of the report and choose your save destination.
  2. Excel spreadsheet - Click on the Print button at the top left. Tick 'Print to File' and select 'Xlsx Data File'. Click on the three dots button [...] to choose your save destination. Click OK to save the file.