The customer discount profile section of the customer screen allows you to set up discount settings for individual customers. This is extremely useful for VIP customers or customers who are a part of a discount-based loyalty program. You can even set up specific department and category discounts per customer.

Setting Up the Discount Profile

  1. From the main screen of Retailer, click on Setup -> Customer and click on the Discount Profiles tab at the top.
  2. Click on the Add button in the bottom right-hand corner.
  3. Set the Profile Code. This should be a number. It is best to make this the next available number in the sequence.
  4. Give the discount profile a Description. Make this something easy to identify.
  5. Set the Discount Percentage. This is the amount of discount the customer will receive for any items sold to them that allow discounting.
  6. Tick or untick the % Above Cost box. If ticked, this will cause the item to be charged at cost plus the amount in Discount Percentage. If this box is unticked, the customer will be charged retail price minus the Discount Percentage.
  7. Tick or untick the Trade Price box. If ticked, items will be charged at the trade price, or below the trade price by the discount percentage. Click HERE for more on trade prices.

Applying a Discount Profile to a Customer

  1. From the main screen of Retailer click on Customers.
  2. Locate the customer you wish to use by clicking on the magnifying glass down the bottom of the customer screen and searching for the customer.
  3. Once you have the correct customer click on the History tab toward the bottom left of the customer screen.
  4. In this tab, you will see a drop-down box labeled Discount Profile and select one of the existing discount profiles from the list. Click Save.
  5. Now when you see this customer an item in the point of sale screen the discount profile that we have just set up will be applied.

Customizing Discount Profiles for Individual Customers

Everything done in this section is per customer. This means that any discounts applied will only be for the customer you are currently working on and will not apply to other customers using the same discount profile.

  1. From the main screen of Retailer, click on Customers.
  2. Locate the customer you wish to use by clicking on the magnifying glass down the bottom of the customer screen and searching for the customer.
  3. Once you have the correct customer click on the History tab toward the bottom left of the customer screen.
  4. Toward the bottom of the tab, next to the Discount Profile box, click on the button labeled Edit Discounts.
  5. From this screen, you will be able to assign specific department and category discounts.  Find the department or category in the list and click in the customer discount box and type the discount you want to be applied. You can do this for as many departments and categories as you wish. If you set a different category and department discount the category discount will always override the department discount. 
  6. You can also set discounts per stock item. To do this, click on the Set Stock Item Discounts button at the bottom of the department and category discount screen.
  7. You will see a full list of your stock items with the ability to set a discount for each one. You can search for a specific item by using the Find a Stock Item button at the top. Once you have located the correct item you should type the discount you wish to apply in the Discount field.
  8. Repeat this for as many stock items as you wish to discount.
  9. Click OK once you are done and all your changes will be saved.

Discount Template for Non-Account Customers

If your business offers certain customer types a discount that doesn't require the customer to be registered in the system, you can create one customer in the system specifically for these types of customers, such as a Seniors for a seniors discount. The one Seniors account can be used for any seniors making a purchase.

The specific customer can then be added to a POS button for a quick shortcut when needed. Our recommendation is that you do create individual accounts for customers to better track customer details and sale history.